

k2hlinetool is an interactive commandline tool for test purpose. You can run it non-interactively. Using k2hlinetool you can tune your program.

k2hlinetool interface options

When invoking k2hlinetool, you may specify any of these options:

Option Description
-h Print a description of all other command line options.
-f <filename> Create filename by using memory mapped file.
-t <filename> Create filename by using memory mapped file. This option is for temporary use only because filename is deleted after exit from k2hlinetool.
-m Use heap memory for storage instead of file.
-mask <bitness> Set bitness of initial K2HASH’s MASK. The default value is 8 and the maximum value is 28. You should make this value large if you have many keys initially. This option is valid only when creating a new K2HASH file.
-cmask <bitness> Set bitness of K2HASH’s CMASK. The default value is 4 and recommended value is 4 or 5. This option is valid only when creating a new K2HASH file.
-elementcnt <count> Set count as a maximum number of a K2HASH’s element size that uses to handle hash collisions. K2HASH extends the hash table once the element is full. We recommend the size 1024 although the default size is 32. This option is valid only when creating a new K2HASH file.
-pagesize <number> Set number as a pagesize of K2HASH. Each page contains data of a key, a value, a list of subkeys and reserved data for K2HASH of its own. The default pagesize is 128 bytes. You should set large size as you need.
Note: 24 bytes for each page are reserved for K2HASH at least. You should tune the performance by using k2hlinetool if you may set smaller size than the default size. This option is valid only when creating a new K2HASH file.
-fullmap Map the whole data K2HASH initializes into memory.
-ext <filename> Load filename runtime library that defines external hash functions to be invoked by K2HASH.
-ro Open a K2HASH file for read-only access
-init Create a new K2HASH file
-lap Print duration of each command execution
-capi Use K2HASH C API instead of the C++ API
-g <loglevel> Set loglevel that k2hlinetool logs. Choose one out of ERR, WAN and INFO. Sending SIGUSR1 to k2hlinetool rotates the levels. This option overrides the functionality of K2HDBGMODE environment variable.
-glog <filepath> Set filepath to which k2hlinetool logs messages. By default, the file is stderr. This option overrides the functionality of K2HDBGFILE environment variable.
-his <count> Set count to the maximum number of command history entries. By default, the number of history entries is 1000.
Note: the history is only available in the current process.
-libversion Print the K2HASH version and the credit.
-run <filename> Execute commands in a filename sequentially. filename contains a command in each line. See the next section on commands.

The interpreter interface

When k2hlinetool is called with a tty with stdio, it prompts for commands. Use the “quit” command to exit from the prompt. Use the “help” command to see how to use it.

Command Description
help(h) Print a description of all other commands.
quit(q)/exit Exit.
info(i) [state] Print the information on the K2HASH file. Use state to show the usage ratio.
dump(d) <parameter> Print the specific information on the K2HASH file. Use “head” as parameter to show the header information. Use “kindex” as parameter to show the key index information. Use “ckindex” as parameter o show the collision key index information. Use “element” as parameter to show the element information. Use “full” as parameter to show the all information.
set(s) <key> <value> [rmsub] [pass=….] [expire=sec] Set key with value. Use rmsub to remove all the subkeys with the key. With rmsub, K2HASH recursively removes the subkeys of the keys. Use pass to encrypt the value. Use expire to set expiration duration in units of seconds.
settrial(st) <key> [pass=….] Print key with value if exists. You can update it. Otherwise, answer “n” alternatively. Use pass to encrypt the value.
setsub <parentkey> <key> <value> Set key with value as a subkey of parentkey.
directset(dset) <key> <value> <offset> Set a subkey of key with value. Use offset where the value starts. The value will be filled with paddings by undefined data if offset position is larger than the value.
setf(sf) <key> <offset> <file> Set key with values that are read from a file. Use offset where the value starts.
fill(f) <prefix> <value> <count> Create keys that starts from prefix with value. Use count to the number of keys. The value is same among all keys.
fillsub <parentkey> <prefix> <val> <cnt> Create parentkey’s subkeys that starts from prefix with value. Use count to the number of keys. The value is same among all keys.
rm <key> [all] Remove key. Use all to remove all the subkeys with the key. With all, K2HASH recursively removes the subkeys of the keys.
rmsub <parentkey> <key> Remove key from parentkey. K2HASH recursively removes the subkeys of the key.
print(p) <key> [all] [noattrcheck] [pass=….] Print the value of key. Use all to print value of subkeys. K2HASH recursively prints the subkeys of the keys. Use noattrcheck to skip decryption and to skip checking data expiration. Use pass to decrypt the value.
printattr(pa) <key> Print the attribute information of key.
addattr(aa) <key> <attrname> <attrvalue> Add an attribute of attrname with attvalue to key.
directprint(dp) <key> <length> <offset> Print the key with value where starts from offset with length.
directsave(dsave) <hash> <filepath> Write values that matches with hash to filepath. All keys matched with the hash will be saved even if their hash values are same.
directload(dload) <filepath> [unixtime] Read data from filepath. Use unixtime to prevent from overwrite data that the key has newer timestamp than filepath.
copyfile(cf) <key> <offset> <file> Create a file that contains key data starts from offset.
list(l) <key> Print all keys. Use key to print the key value only.
stream(str) <key> < input | output> Set key to output and set value from input like C++ iostream class manipulation. See the following sample for reference.
history(his) Print commands you used in the current interaction.
save <filepath> Save commands you used in the current interaction to filepath.
load <filepath> Execute commands in filepath.
trans(tr) <on [filename [prefix [param]]] | off> [expire=sec] Enable transaction logging to filename if disabled(or disable transaction logging if enabled). Set prefix to filter transaction log entry. Set param as a parameter string to pass to a transaction log handler. Set expire to set duration in units of seconds to be expired the transaction log data.
archive(ar) <put | load> <filename> Use put to create a new data filename from the current K2HASH file. Use load to load data from filename to the current K2HASH file.
queue(que) [prefix] empty Check if a K2HASH queue is empty. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix.
queue(que) [prefix] count Print the number of K2HASH queue. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix.
queue(que) [prefix] read <fifo | lifo> <pos> [pass=…] Print values in queue in fifo or lifo order. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use pos to set the position of queue to start reading. Use pass to decrypt data.
Note: read doesn’t remove data from queue.
queue(que) [prefix] push <fifo | lifo> <value> [pass=….] [expire=sec] Add value to queue in fifo or lifo. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use pass to encrypt data. Set expire to set expiration duration in units of seconds.
queue(que) [prefix] pop <fifo | lifo> [pass=…] Print values in queue in fifo or lifo order. pop removes data. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use pass to decrypt data.
queue(que) [prefix] dump <fifo | lifo> Print values in queue in fifo or lifo order.
queue(que) [prefix] remove(rm) <fifo | lifo> <count> [c] [pass=…] Remove count of values in queue in fifo or lifo order. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use c to prompt before every removal. Answer “y(yes)”, “n(no)” and “b(break)”. Use pass to decrypt data.
keyqueue(kque) [prefix] empty Check if a K2HASH keyqueue is empty. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix.
keyqueue(kque) [prefix] count Print the number of K2HASH keyqueue. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix.
keyqueue(kque) [prefix] read <fifo | lifo> <pos> [pass=…] Print values in queue in fifo or lifo order. Use pass to decrypt data. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use pos to set the position of queue to start reading.
Note: read doesn’t remove data from queue.
keyqueue(kque) [prefix] push <fifo | lifo> <key> <value> [pass=….] [expire=sec] Add key and value to queue in fifo or lifo. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use pass to encrypt data. Set expire to set expiration duration in units of seconds.
keyqueue(kque) [prefix] pop <fifo | lifo> [pass=…] Print values in queue in fifo or lifo order. pop removes data in keyqueue. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use pass to decrypt data.
keyqueue(kque) [prefix] dump <fifo | lifo> Print values in queue in fifo or lifo order. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix.
keyqueue(kque) [prefix] remove(rm) <fifo | lifo> <count> [c] [pass=…] Remove data of count in queue in fifo or lifo order. Use prefix to set a queue name with a certain prefix. Use c to prompt before every removal. Answer “y(yes)”, “n(no)” and “b(break)”. Use pass to decrypt data.
builtinattr(ba) [mtime] [history] [expire=second] [enc] [pass=file path] Set K2HASH builtin attributes. Set mtime to record value modification time. Set history to record key modification history. Set expire to set expiration duration in units of seconds. Set enc to enable encryption. Set pass to a file stores a pass phrase.
loadpluginattr(lpa) filepath Load a filepath runtime library that handle attributes
-ext <filename> Load the library filename runtime library that defines external HASH functions to be invoked by K2HASH.
addpassphrese(app) [default] Add a pass to K2HASH builtin attributes. Set default to enable encryption with the pass phrase.
cleanallattr(caa) Initialize attributes
shell Invoke a program defined by the SHELL environment.
echo <string>… Print string .
sleep <second> Sleep in second seconds.

”stream” command usage

In this example, “key” is a key to access to a value. The data followed by the “key” is a value that can contains multiple LF code by using “endl”. Use “.” to quit.

     K2HTOOL> stream key output
     *** Output stream test : "key" key *********************
      You can specify any string for writing value to stream.
      The string does not terminate null charactor.
      If you need to terminate it, specify "ends".
      If you specify "endl", puts 0x0a.
      Specify "." only to exit this interactive mode.
     << 1234567890
     << endl
     << string1
     << endl
     << string2
     << .
     Lap time: 0h 0m 27s 245ms 722us(27s 245722us)

Now you allocate variables by usingthe data you defined above. You need to declare data type of each variables. You can choose one out of “string/char/int/long”. k2hlinetool reads data until it encounters end-of-file. Use “.” to quit.

     K2HTOOL> stream key input
     *** Input stream test : "key" key *********************
      You can specify below value types for reading value from stream.
        - "string", "char", "int", "long"
      Specify "." only to exit this interactive mode.
     >> int
      int = "1234567890(499602d2)"
     >> string
      string = "string1"
     >> string
      string = "string2"